Cross Sectoral Standard
This part of the project documentation focuses on
an information-oriented approach. Use it as a
reference for the technical implementation of the
project code.
Bases: str
, Enum
CrossSectoralStandard is the enumeration of accounting standards used for product carbon footprint calculation. Valid values are:
- GHG_PROTOCOL: Represents the GHG Protocol Product standard.
- ISO_14067: Represents ISO Standard 14067.
- ISO_14044: Represents ISO Standard 14044.
Each CrossSectoralStandard MUST be encoded as a JSON string.
Select a standard:
>>> standard = CrossSectoralStandard.GHG_PROTOCOL
>>> print(standard)
GHG Protocol Product standard
>>> print(repr(standard))
Iterating over all standards:
>>> for standard in CrossSectoralStandard:
... print(standard)
GHG Protocol Product standard
ISO Standard 14067
ISO Standard 14044
Source code in pact_methodology/carbon_footprint/
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